Native American Places to Visit

Oregon Tribes

Burns Paiute Tribe
Burns Paiute Tribe
100 Pasigo St
Burns, OR 97720
(503) 573-2088
Fax: 573-2323

Clatsop-Nehalem Confederated Tribes
PO Box 190
Seaside Oregon 97138
Tribal office # 503-717-4535

Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians
1245 Fulton Avenue
Coos Bay, OR
(541) 888-9577
Fax: (541) 888-2853

Confederated Tribe of the Grand Ronde
Post Office Box 38
9615 Grand Ronde Road
Grand Ronde
OR 97347- 0038
(503) 879-5211 or 800-422-0232
Fax: 879-2117

Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians of Oregon
Post Office Box 549
201 SE Swan Ave.
OR 97380- 0549
(503) 444-2532
Fax: 444-2307

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
(Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla Tribes)
Post Office Box 638
OR 97801-0638
(503) 276-3165
Fax: 276-3095

Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation
(Warm Springs, Wasco & Paiute)
1233 Veteran Street
Post Office Box C
Warm Springs
OR 97761-
(503) 553-1161
Fax: 553-1924

Coquille Indian Tribe
3050 Tremont Street
North Bend
OR 97459
(541) 756-0904
Fax: (541) 756-0847

Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians
2400 Stewart Parkway, Suite 300
OR 97470-2027
(503) 672-9405
Fax: 673-0432

Klamath General Council
(Klamath, Modoc & Yahooskin)
P.O. Box 436
OR 97624-
(503) 783-2219
Fax: 783-2029

American Indian College Fund

Tribal Enrollment Process

Trace Indian Ancestry