Native American Places to Visit

Ohio Tribes

Alleghenny Nation (Ohio Band)

Chaliawa (CAT NATION)
Chief Walter T. Renz
3659 Hazelbrush Rd..
Shelby, Ohio 44875
Phone (419) 342-3425

Kispoko Sept of Ohio Shawnee (Hog Creek Reservation)
Principal Chief: Scott E. Beemer, PhD
202 E. High Street
Cridersville, Ohio 45806

Mekoce Shawnee

Munsee Delaware Indian Nation-USA
203 S. Main St.,
Johnstown, Ohio, 43031
Attention: Tribal Role Information

N.E. Miami Inter- Tribal Council

Notoweega Nation

Piqua Sept of Ohio Shawnees

Shawnee Nation United Remnant Band of Ohio
State Recognized
Principle Chief- Hawk Pope
Tribal Business CEO- Hawk Pope
Tribal Land & Business- Zane Shawnee Carverns/Camp Ground and Indian Museum
7092 SR 540
Bellfontaine, Ohio 43311

1Source: "Joint Resolution to recognize the Shawnee Nation United Remnant Band" / as adopted by the [Ohio] Senate, 113th General Assembly, Regular Session, Am. Sub. H.J.R. No. 8, 1979-1980


American Indian College Fund

Tribal Enrollment Process

Trace Indian Ancestry