Native American Places to Visit

Quebec First Nations

The languages of the Cree, Montaignais, MicMac and Ojibway First Nations of Quebec are derived from the Algonquian linguistic family, while the languages of the mohawk first nations are derived from the Iroquoian linguistic family.

Abitibiwinni First Nation
180, rue Abitibiwinni,
Pikogan, QC
Tel:(819) 732-6591
Fax: (819) 732-1569
Language: Algonquian, French

Barriere Lake First Nation
Rapid Lake,
Parc de la Verendrye, QC
J0W 2C0
Tel: (819-824-1734
Fax: (819) 824-1734
Language: Algonquian, English

Betsiamites First Nation
2 rue, Ashini, C.P. 40
Betsiamites QC
G0H 1B0
Tel: (418) 567-2265
Fax: (418) 567-8560
Language: Montagnais, French

Chisasibi First Nation
P.O. Box 150
Chisasibi QC
J0M 1E0
Tel: (819) 855-2878
Fax: (819) 855-2875
Language: Cree, English

Eagle Village-Kipawa First Nation
P.O. Box 756
Eagle Village First Nation,
Kipawa QC ,J0Z 3R0
Tel: (819) 627-3455
Fax: (819) 627-9428
Language: Algonquian, English

Eastmain First Nation
Eastmian QC
J0M 1W0
Tel: (819) 977-0211 or (819) 977-0266
Fax: (819) 977-0281
Language: Cree, English

Essipit First Nation
27 rue de la Reserve, C.P. 820
Les Escoumins QC
G0T 1K0
Tel: (418) 233-2509
Fax: (418) 233-2888
Language: Montagnais, French

Gaspe First Nation
C.P. 69-Fontenelle
Gaspe QC
G0E 1H0
Tel: (418) 368-6005
Fax: (418) 368-1272
Language: Micmac, French

Gesgapegiag First Nation
Maria Indian Reserve
P.O. Box 1280
Maria QC , G0C 1Y0
Tel: (418) 759-3441
Fax: (418) 759-5856
Language: Micmac, English

Hurons-Wendat First Nation
255 rue, Chef-Michel-Laveau
Village-des-Hurons Wendake QC
G0A 4V0
Tel: (418) 843-3767
Fax: (418) 842-1108
Language: French

Kahnawake First Nation
P.O. Box 720
Kahnawake QC
J0L 1B0
Tel: (514) 632-7500
Fax: (514) 638-5958
Language: Mohawk, English

Kanesatake First Nation
681 Ste, Philomene
Kanesatake QC
J0N 1E0
Tel: (514) 479-8373
Fax: (514) 479-8249
Language: Mohawk, English

Kitcisakik First Nation
Louvicourt QC
J0Y 1Y0
Tel: (819) 824-1914 or (819) 825-1466
Fax: (819) 825-5638
Language: Algonquian, French

Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation
P.O. Box 309
Kitigan Zibi Indian Reserve QC
J9E 3C9
Tel: (819) 449-5170 or (819) 449-5171
Fax: (819) 449-5673
Language: Algonqian, English

La Romaine First Nation
Conceil des Montagnais de la Romaine
La Romaine QC
G0G 1M0
Tel: (418) 229-2917
Fax: (418) 229-2921
Language: Montagnais, French

Lac-Saint Jean First Nation
Reserve Indienne de Mashteuiatsh
151, rue Ouiatchouan
Mashteuiatsh QC, G0W 2H0
Tel: (418) 275-2473
Fax: (418) 275-6212
Language: Montagnais, French

Lac-Simon First Nation
Conceil de Bande du Lac-Simon
Lac-Simon QC
J0Y 3M0
Tel: (819) 736-4501 or (819) 736-4361
Fax: (819) 736-7311
Language: Algonqian, French

Listuguj First Nation
17 Riverside West
P.O. Box 298
Listuguj QC , G0C 2R0
Tel: (418) 788-2136
Fax: (418) 788-2058
Language: Micmac, English

Long Point First Nation
P.O. Box 1
Winneway River QC
J0Z 2J0
Tel: (819) 722-2441
Fax: (819) 722-2579
Language: Algonqian, English

Malecites of Viger
112 rue de la greve
cacouna (quebec) canada

Manawan First Nation
135, rue Kicik
Manawan QC
J0K 1M0
Tel: (819) 971-8813
Fax: (819) 971-8848
Language: Attikamek, French

Mingan First Nation
C.P. 319
Mingan QC
G0G 1V0
Tel: (418) 949-2234 or (418) 949-2235
Fax: (418) 949-2085
Language: Montagnais, French

Mistissini First Nation
Mistissini Lake, Baie-du-Poste
Chibougamau QC
G0W 1C0
Tel: (418) 923-3259 or (418) 923-3253
Fax: (418) 923-3115
Language: Cree, English

Natashquan First Nation
Conceil des Montagnais de Natashquan
Natashquan QC
G0G 2E0
Tel: (418) 726-3529
Fax: (418) 726-3606
Language: Montagnais, French

Naskapis of Quebec First Nation
P.O. Box 5111
Kawawachikamach QC
G0G 2Z0
Tel: (418) 585-2686
Fax: (418) 585-3130
Language: Naskapi, English

Nemaska First Nation
Champion Lake
Nemiscau QC
J0Y 3B0
Tel: (819) 673-2512 or (819) 673-2566
Fax: (819) 673-2542
Language: Cree, English

Ouje-Bougoumou First Nation
207 Opemiska Street
Ouje-Bougoumou QC
F0W 1H0
Tel: (418) 745-3228
Fax: (418) 745-2510
Language: Cree, English

Obedjiwan First Nation
Reserve d'Obedjiwan
Roberval QC
G0W 3B0
Tel: (819) 974-8837
Fax: (819) 974-8828
Language: Attikamek, French

Odanak First Nation
102, rue Sibosis
Odanak, QC
J0G 1H0
Tel: (514) 568-2819; 568-2810
Fax: (514) 568-3553
Language: Abenaki, French

Pakua Shipi First Nation
Conceil des Montagnais de Pakua Shipi
Saint-Augustin QC
G0G 2R0
Tel: (418) 947-2253
Fax: (418) 947-2622
Language: Montagnais, French

Schefferville First Nation
C.P. 1390
Schefferville QC
G0G 2T0
Tel: (418) 585-2601
Fax: (418) 585-3856
Language: Montagnais, French

Timiskaming First Nation
P.O. Box 336
Notre-Dame du Nord QC
J0Z 3B0
Tel: (819) 723-2335
Fax: (819) 723-2353
Language: Algonqian, English

Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam First Nation
1089, rue Dequen, C.P. 8000
Sept-iles QC
G4R 4L9
Tel: (418) 962-0327
Fax: (418) 968-0937
Language: Montagnais, French

Waskaganish First Nation
P.O. Box 60
Waskaganish QC
J0M 1R0
Tel: (819) 895-8843 or (819) 895-8980
Fax: (819) 895-8901
Language: Cree, English

Waswanipi First Nation
Waswanipi River
Waswanipi QC
J0Y 3C0
Tel: (819) 753-2587 or (819) 753-2388
Fax: (819) 753-2555
Language: Cree, English

Wemindji First Nation
Cree Nation of Wemindji
Wemindji QC
J0M 1L0
Tel: (819) 978-0264 or (819) 978-0265
Fax: (819) 978-0258

Weymontachie First Nation
C.P. 37
Weymontachie QC
G0X 3R0
Tel: (819) 666-2237 or (819) 666-2259
Fax: (819) 666-2209
Language: Attikamek,French

Whapmagoostui First Nation
P.O. Box 390
Whapmagoostui QC
J0M 1G0
Tel: (819) 929-3384
Fax: (819) 929-3203
Language: Cree, English

Wolf Lake First Nation
P.O. Box 998
Temiscaming QC
J0Z 3R0
Tel: (819) 627-3628
Fax: (819) 627-1109
Language: Algonqian, English

Wolinak First Nation
4670, rue Kolipaio
Becancour QC
G0X 1B0
Tel:(819) 294-6696
Fax: (819) 294-6697
Language: Abenaki, French

American Indian College Fund

Tribal Enrollment Process

Trace Indian Ancestry