Native American Places to Visit

Ontario Places to Visit

Daphne Cockwell Gallery of Canada: First Peoples
Royal  Ontario Museum

Homes of the Past: Iroquoian Longhouse 
Royal Ontario Museum

Huronia Museum
Features a replica of a "pre-contact" Huron/Ouendat village, including a lookout tower, wigwam and a full-size longhouse.

An interpretive centre/restaurant/walking trail of the Long Sault Rapids burial mound site, on the North shore of the Rainy River. Close to International Falls,MN.

McMichael Canadian Art Collection 
Kleinburg, ON
Canadian art collection including Inuit stone carvings.

Museum of Ontario Archaeology
Dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadians through the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the archaeology of Ontario.

Skah nah dot Village
Created from information gathered by archaeologists and First Nation peoples, offers tours, workshops and an opportunity to see how First Nations people once lived.

St. Marie Among the Hurons
The headquarters for the French Jesuit Mission to the Huron Wendat people.

Woodland Cultural Center Museum 
Brantford, ON
Takes you on a journey back through time beginning with our Iroquoian and Algonkian pre-contact period.

American Indian College Fund

Tribal Enrollment Process

Trace Indian Ancestry